RAG rating
Document type
Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB
Output type
Pharmacy / Prescribing

Specialist or non-approved drug response letter from GP to Trust

Specialist / Non-approved / Non-Formulary Medicines –  GP response letter to Trusts

Patient’s Name:




Hospital specialist




Name of Drug





You have written to me asking me to prescribe the above treatment for this patient. I am unable to prescribe this medicine for the reason(s) stated below:

Reason(s) that apply are ticked


It is a specialist medicine recommended for prescribing by hospital specialists only.

It is a specialist medicine, dose, duration or use for which I do not have the necessary prescribing information, experience or knowledge to accept responsibility for prescribing.

The medicine requires specialist monitoring and I have not been provided with adequate information about the monitoring required to accept responsibility for prescribing.

The majority of care and monitoring for the condition indicated is provided by the hospital and so they also need to provide ongoing prescriptions for this medicine.

The patient is in a drug trial for this medicine and it is the responsibility of the hospital to provide ongoing prescriptions for this medicine.

The patient’s condition is not stable and it is therefore the responsibility of the hospital to provide ongoing prescriptions for this medicine.

This medicine should be started by a specialist, and the patient should be stabilised on this medication before I am able to continue to prescribe.

The request is for an unlicenced use of this medicine and therefore should be prescribed by a specialist able to take appropriate clinical responsibility.



This is a new medication and the first prescription should be provided by the hospital.

This medicine has not been approved for use in Hertfordshire and West Essex by the local Hertfordshire and West Essex Area Prescribing Committee.

This medicine appears not to be prescribed in line with recommendations of the Hertfordshire and West Essex Area Prescribing Committee.


The specialist is required to take one of the following actions:


Action required is ticked


Provide the patient with the first prescription for the new medicine.

Recommend to me a suitable alternative medicine approved for use in Hertfordshire and West Essex.

Provide me with information about the new medicine and the monitoring required.

Make the necessary arrangements for the patient to receive ongoing prescriptions and supplies for the new medicine from the hospital.

No action required, in accordance with local / national guidelines I am providing the patient with a prescription for the following alternative medicine:  


Please contact me to confirm the action taken and/or if you wish to discuss further.


GP Name: ..……………………                       Practice Details: ……………………                        


GP Signature: …………………                      
