- Indication
- Alopecia areata - severe
- RAG rating
- Double Red
- Document type
- NICE technology appraisal
- Place
- Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB
- Output type
- Pharmacy / Prescribing
Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB are aware of the recently published updated National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Technology Appraisal (TA) 958: Ritlecitinib for treating severe alopecia areata in people 12 years and over. Consultation with local stakeholders including commissioning, hospital and community specialists will be undertaken concerning the new NICE TA recommendations and development of an implementation plan. In line with accepted and required governance processes for local decision making, any revised guidelines will require review and approval by Hertfordshire and West Essex Area Prescribing Committee and ratification by Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB.
It is anticipated prescribing will be from dermatology services and providers are NHS hospital trusts.
In the interim, clinicians are advised to continue to follow existing local guidelines. Please be assured that any update to local guidelines will be published on the Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB Prescribing, Policies and Pathways website (Prescribing, Policies and Pathways (hweclinicalguidance.nhs.uk) and cascaded to local clinicians.
NICE TA 958: Ritlecitinib for treating severe alopecia areata in people 12 years and over published 27 March 2024